California Receivership Group is a health and safety receiver of distressed properties statewide. A receivership under the Health and Safety Code is an alternative to an enforcement agency taking on the financial and physical responsibility of managing the nuisance abatement process. By leveraging the statutory authority and equitable discretion of the courts, health and safety receiverships can break stalemates in nuisance abatement cases at no cost to taxpayers.
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We want to utilize the receivership program to abate properties because it has cost the city thousands of dollars abating the properties ourselves and placing liens on the properties waiting for the property to sell.
- City Director of Development Services
They did a great job. I know it’s kind of a stretch, but they've changed our life. Waking up in the morning and looking over at what they've done to this house, we're completely blown away. In three months they completely changed the entire view of this block. It's amazing.
- Neighbor
Since the receiver has taken possession of the property and begun repairs, crime and calls for service have dropped dramatically. Prior to the receiver's appointment, it was not unusual for there to be 3-4 calls for service per day, while now a call for service at the property is a rare event.
- City Code Enforcement Supervisor
I met the California Receivership folks in court. I hadn't even a clue that there was such an organization. I think our neighbor was treated with the utmost respect. I'm really glad that there is a group that can help with neighbors’ properties that fall into disarray. And it's just nice to know that our neighbor is okay, that his property is now maintained.
- Neighbor
We truly appreciate your diligent efforts to help our community get through this process and finally see this property demolished. I can't tell you enough how grateful we are, it's been such a breath of fresh air ever since the property has been vacated. Our quality of life has improved, and we hope that it continues that way.
- Community Organizer